It is fair to say that I am not a morning person.

I think it is a side effect of working nights for so many years. All those years in T.V. and radio have had an effect on me. I often worked until midnight, getting home after one in the morning and staying up until the wee hours of the morning.  It always made for rough mornings, especially when the kids came along. Kids naturally are risers. And when you factor in school., early mornings are really part of life…EXCEPT ON WEEKENDS.

When it comes to weekends in my house everyone tends to stay up late and sleep in.

It is those lazy Sunday mornings that are the best for me. Right now I have the entire T.V room to myself, except for the dog sleeping next to me. This is a bit of a routine on Sunday mornings. I get to have coffee in peace and quiet. I get to decide to do what I want. I can watch something I want to watch on T.V. OR I can sit in silence and have coffee. Or I can write in the silence of the house while everyone else sleeps.  It is GLORIOUS!

Sunday mornings seem to have such a peaceful and relaxing. It isn’t a work day. It isn’t a school day. It is a ME Day… well, at least for a few hours.

Getting some peace and quiet can be hard to get when you are a Mom in a house full of people. Right?????? Can we all admit that life is busy and we all rarely have moments where there is silence?!

I love Sunday mornings to recharge and take a little time for me. Even as I write this I can hear the stomp of feet from upstairs. The peace and quiet is about to end. Oh well, I am grateful for the few hours of peace and quiet that I got!

What do you do with a few hours of peace and quiet?

Author: imfreckles