Leia Lola Oreo

Ah puppies! They are so cute. Just seeing that sweet little face makes me smile. What about you?

It has been more than four years since we have had a dog in our house. We waited a long time. To be honest I was the last hold out. I was still working through the fact that our much loved dog was gone and I wasn’t sure about replacing him. BUT this week we added this little sweet girl to our family. She is only eight weeks old. She is still learning to do everything, like go to the bathroom outside, walk on a leash and sleep in a crate but she is already settling in nicely. My two girls already love her to bits.

I was thinking today about how great pets are for kids. Both my girls were young when our last dog passed away and so they didn’t really know much about the responsibility of taking care of a dog but now they are both going to chip in. So I am thinking about some of the great things that a new puppy does for kids, families and our overall feeling of happiness.

1. Strengthens the family bond
 We have really been working as a family unit since this sweet little dog joined our house. We are a close family already but it is amazing what a new pet can do to make that bond even tighter. We are spending more time together, talking, and playing with the puppy.

2. Teaches kids they are not alone in the Universe
Having a puppy or any kind of pet shows children there is something outside themselves that needs to be cared for and loved. Now there is something in their lives more important then themselves.

3. The LOVE cup overflows
A puppy is just LOVE. They want to be with you, they want to love you and you want to LOVE them. It just feels great to pour more love out into the world and give it to another living thing.

4. Teaches kids responsibility
Kids learn to take on jobs. A puppy takes work and kids have an immediate responsibility to take care of this little bundle of life. Already my kids are on a job schedule. My oldest daughter is on poop duty and the youngest is on food duty. Next week they are going to switch.

5. Teaches kids to be loving, caring and generous with their time
Puppies need to be played with but they also need to be loved. Having a pet I believe teaches children how to love another living thing that is more needy than them. The lessons they learn as children taking care of a pet will stay with them for life. This will teach how to be more compassionate, loving, kind, generous and understanding adult.

Author: imfreckles