What a beautiful day today. The sun is shining and I can smell spring in the air. Over the weekend the kids got their bikes out and were riding like the wind. They were smelling spring in the air too and could hardly keep their coats on.

It is Monday and that means a fresh week ahead. We often think of Monday in a negative light. It is the first day back to work after the weekend for many people and so there are often a lot of people moaning and groaning about Monday. BUT ….I think Monday’s are great. It is the start of a new week. A chance for a fresh start. Your batteries are recharged after a weekend with family and friends and now Monday gives you the chance to do great things with the days ahead.

What can help you see the potential of the week ahead write down your intentions for the week. It will help you focus on what you want for the week ahead. It will help you get more focused. It will also help you see all the possibilities for the days before you.

Monday offers you so many possibilities…there is so much potential for greatness. Happy Monday.

Author: imfreckles