March break is over and it is time to get back to routine. We struggled with getting ready for school this morning…and yesterday too.  It was hard for all of us, kids and parents. It is amazing how one week of March break can change the routine. We all got used to getting off to a slow start in the morning. I think it might take us all week to get back into a rhythm… or as much of one that we can in our house.

I have to say that I really enjoyed this year’s March break. We stayed home and it was great. I loved having time to spend with my girls, even though some days they drove me crazy with the fighting and bickering. Ah sisterly love. I don’t usually get a chance to spend much time with my girls during the week because I work evenings. We got a chance to really hang out, we went to the ROM and Disney on Ice Toy Story 3…just Mom and daughter time. So great and so needed.

I had planned on blogging about health and fitness this month specifically and in a round about way I think that is exactly what the focus of the month has been, and so much more. I feel better this month ..better than I have in a long time. There have been some changes at work that have taken a lot of stress off my shoulders and in turn that has allowed me to lighten up, in mind, spirit and body. I enjoy going to work, I am sleeping better ( if there is such a thing when you get home at 1:15 a.m and get up with kids to get them off to school in the morning ) and I think I am a much happier person. I am in a better mood all around and that makes me a better Mom, wife and friend I believe. I have been able to reconnect a bit more with my kids which helps my mind and more importantly my spirit. We have had more days this month to just hang out and watch movies, more days for me to unplug from technology ( like facebook, twitter, email ). It is really important to do that. I want my girls to know they are more important to me than spending time on the computer. I think we all forget sometimes, when we are rushing around, trying to make connections and network online, we need to nourish the real life relationships we have with family and friends. I hope my husband and I can take some time out of our busy schedules to reconnect a bit. We both work crazy schedules, he is days and I am nights. We both work freelance ( him more than me) and that means we are often working from home on the weekends. It can be a struggle to make time for ourselves, we find time to spend with the kids and as a family but that sometimes leaves little time for the couple. Oh well, I will consider that a work in progress…one thing at a time.

So while I didn’t blog about going to the gym or going for hour long hikes or watching what I ate, I think ultimately I did more for my health this month by nourishing my mind and spirit. It is what is going to help me to get to the gym and get out and walk.

What do you do to nourish our mind and spirit? What kind of things do you do to reconnect with the people you love?

Author: imfreckles