I am not a big fan of making resolutions. Let’s face it most of us make this big resolutions — you know the ones, I am going to lose weight, get a better, high paying job, find my dream job, do all the things on my bucket list, and then by December you realize that you did actually follow through with anything of the things on your list of resolutions.  SOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooo, I don’t make New Year’s resolutions per say. What I am doing this year is making a plan for the year. Just some ideas really.

Everything I hope to accomplish this year  has to do with one thing….WORKING SMARTER, NOT HARDER. And that goes for all areas of my life – my professional life, my home life, my family life, my relationships. I want to have a more fulfilling life without working harder. I believe there is a way to get everything I have ever wanted in life without working myself into the ground. This year I am going to work toward that.

I am working to get more focused. I am working to de-clutter my home and create the perfect spot for me to work at home, a place that I will feel inspired to write. I am working toward making more contacts and getting more writing assignments.

What do you do  to work smarter not harder? I would love to hear what works for you

Author: imfreckles