I started writing about what gives me bliss . Some of what I am writing has made here to my blog but some of it is still in my personal journals and being compiled for another project I am working on. Tonight I noticed a conversation on twitter between some of my friends – particularly @scatteredmom and @amotherworld. They were talking about bliss and how @scatteredmom – also known as Karen Humphrey – was finding it hard to find bliss lately. I agree some days it can be hard to see it but I said that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. I think we sometimes have a hard time recognizing the blissful things in our lives. Sometimes they are small and sweet and maybe they are just the most ordinary thing. It can be those ordinary things that are the most blissful. I say that because when we are faced with a challenge in our lives when those ordinary things suddenly become extraordinary things, become difficult to do or complete we suddenly realize how blissful, how joyful those regular, ordinary things really were.

That being said… I think today I will put some ordinary things on my Bliss List today….

Today I managed to get two loads of laundry folded while watching T.V.. I had some time to myself, some time to my own thoughts while I folded and that was blissful.

Today I painted the bathroom. It was blissful because I was able to complete the job while the kids were at school. I love the feeling a freshly painted wall gives me!

Today I left my family a hot, home cooked meal!

Author: imfreckles