So this week I got a chance to meet with friends and reconnect with people I haven’t had much time for lately and so I thought it would be great to make them my favs for the week.

1. Sunday: I love the neighbourhood that we live in. It is close to the lake, in a quiet community but a neighbourhood is more than just location. The people make it a special place and I am lucky enough to live near some fantastic people. Sunday night after the kids were asleep I got a chance to sit on a neighbours porch, have a great glass of wine and have great conversation with some fantastic friends.

2. Tuesday a.m: In the morning I got a chance to hang out with some fantastic women at a twitterlicious tweet up. It was the creation of some great twitter friends @sherrirossi and @optimom . It was a great morning, coffee and great conversation and I got to meet some new friends.

3. Tuesday p.m.: I recently reconnected with some friends from college. We actually kind of bumped into each other on twitter, sounds a bit strange but true. We decided that we should meet up for lunch. I was a great afternoon on a patio. We talked about what we have all been doing these past years and talked about meeting up again soon. Old  friendships made new again. Great.

3. Friday: Today I got the chance to have a fantastic meeting with @optimom There are some awesome things ahead for us. Look for updates on what we are planning soon!

4. Weekend: Yet to come but I added it because it is going to be a great weekend to hang out with my family. We are going to head to The Burlington Sound of Music festival… the largest free music festival in Canada. And of course, who could forget Sunday is Father’s Day! Hurray to Dads everywhere!

Author: imfreckles