Ok so I am a little late with the Five Friday Favs. There is only about 35 minutes before it turns Saturday. Just under the wire for me. It has been a busy week so I thought I would list my 5 favourite things this week.

1.Three day work week: I was only at work three days this week. Hurray! it is so nice to take time off, especially when I get to spend time with my family.

2. Girl time: This week I got time to spend with my girls. It was the end of their dance season and they had two nights of dance recital so I took two nights off this week to take them to their recital. It was a lot of work and a bit stressful but we all had a fantastic time spending some time together.

3. Dance time: As I mentioned my girls had dance recital this week, for the first time in about 3 years I got to sit and watch my girls dance on stage. You see usually I volunteer behind the scenes, helping my girls and several other girls get ready for their dance numbers. This year my girls are old enough that they are able to stay with some other Mom volunteers while I sat in the audience and watched.

4. One Proud Momma: I was beaming with pride this week. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

5. Dance is over for the summer: My girls love to dance but I am so glad when we get to this point in the year. It means that I have two months off. No more early morning Saturday’s at the dance studio. I can’t tell you much I am looking forward to tomorrow morning!

Author: imfreckles